Bigna Neuenschwander, Digital Media Manager

Bigna Neuenschwander, Digital Media Manager

Bigna has been working at LILLY CLOU for over two years.

Bigna's goal is to further expand the LILLY CLOU community. She manages our Instagram and Facebook accounts, writes all newsletters, tries to understand the Google algorithm and builds new collaborations.

Outside of work, she enjoys spending her free time with family and friends. Whether on a ski tour together, outside in the garden with good food and wine or traveling, the main thing is that there are always as many people there as possible.

Bigna Neuenschwander

City or country?

  • Absolutely both! I love city life, but I could never, ever live without the mountains.

Where is your favorite place in Zurich?

  • I really enjoy strolling through the city center; starting at Rennweg, through Storchengasse and the many small streets around St.Peter. Of course, my tour shouldn't miss a stop at Kuttelgasse near Steinlin for a little chat. 

Ring, bracelet or earring?

  • EARRING! Ideally as big and noticeable as possible.

Favorite piece of jewelry at LILLY CLOU?

  • There are so many but I particularly like the Angolo collection. I think the sporty-trendy style is very cool and the Coco clips are an absolute eye-catcher anyway! The clips combined with a racy pendant are definitely my favorite!

Favorite drink?

  • Porto Tonic. Port wine combined with tonic.

Aperitif or dessert?

  • DESSERT, DESSERT, DESSERT. Preferably as sweet and unhealthy as possible.
  • What qualities would your friends say about you?
  • Phew, that's very difficult. I think they would say about me that I'm organized and reliable... and loud!

What is the best thing about your job? 

  • Versatility! I learn so much every day and am extremely grateful for it. From Google SEO to materials in a goldsmith's world. I consider it a great privilege to be able to work with such talented people.

Summer, fall, winter or spring?

  • All four! The fact that we have this variety is simply brilliant. I always look forward to every season.

Your favorite take-away in Zurich?

  • Tiny fish and Kaisin. Thank you that you exist!

What makes you lose track of time?

  • With a good crime thriller. I love immersing myself in the world of books to escape a little from everyday stress.

Interview by Fabienne Sponagel

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