Mein Bettelarmband - ein ganz persönliches Schmuckstück

My charm bracelet - a very personal piece of jewelry

A very personal piece of jewelry

People love stories and people have a heartfelt desire to collect. Both two characteristics that are probably in our nature.

No piece of jewelry combines these two attributes better than the charm bracelet.

The collection on the wrist is as individual as the wearer himself. It tells a very personal story and expresses the various important stages and events in life. But for some it's just a good luck charm or a souvenir from the holidays.

Lilly charm bracelet

(Lilly charm bracelet)

The history of the charm bracelet

The exact history and origin of the charm bracelet cannot be traced exactly. One theory says that in the Middle Ages it was forbidden to simply beg on the streets. The destitute (or the traveling beggars) needed a begging permit for every city . This was given to them symbolically by a pendant or a coin, which was usually attached to a bracelet. This meant they could identify themselves and people could see where they were allowed to seek support. The piece of jewelry quickly became a trademark for these relevant groups of people.

Another theory, however, says that in earlier times, especially poorer people People “begged” for various pendants because jewelry was very expensive.

This is probably often the case today too. Don't we all already have it? Receive a nice holiday souvenir from a loved one or give someone a good luck charm?

Symbol charm bracelet Liv

For our charm bracelet Liv ( coming soon ) we deliberately chose meaningful symbols that are related to personal life.

Above all the wind rose or compass rose called. It has been used by sailors since the 14th century and shows them the direction of the wind. It represents the search for orientation in turbulent times or a new direction and symbolizes the freedom and courage to go your own way.

The lying 8, the infinity sign stands for infinity (Lemiskate) and means eternity. The word “infinity” comes from the Latin “infinitas” and means “limitlessness”. Today it often represents an intimate relationship that we maintain with an important person.

The cloverleaf is a world symbol and the ultimate symbol of happiness! It is one of the mysterious, magical plants that is said to give the finder luck and protect him. The Druids particularly valued the three-leaf clover because the leaves symbolized the natural kingdoms of earth, water and sky.

The heart as a heart symbol is mainly the symbol of love and life. One follows from the other; an indescribable power, because only when we stand by ourselves and accept ourselves are we able to pass on true love to others.

Liv charm bracelet

(Liv charm bracelet)

An accessory for fashionistas and individualists

As different as the cultures on our planet are, people look for happiness and want to express it in different ways.

It's clear, The charm bracelet with its pendants tempts you to collect them and creates a unique piece that manages to tell your very personal story and immortalize special memories. For some it is a fashion aspect, for others it is a very individual piece of jewelry. It is definitely an ideal accessory for fashionistas to present their true preferences or to tell their very personal story.

Author : Nicole Braun

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